Thursday, May 1, 2008

Vole Update

So the voles are still here, but i am happy to report that their numbers are getting much smaller thanks to gohper doom(I think the spelling is wrong). What a great way to die!!! they are suppose to eat this posion and die in their their holes to bad for me i keep finding dead voles all over the back yard screaming as if they were alive and still making the kids run to the front yard to play until James can come and scoop them up and put them in the trash. It is becoming more aware to me that maybe this year I will not be getting a tan until the cruise in Novemeber if my little friends don't leave my house and stay away for ever. My one neighbour now has mice with her voles so I now have to keep my eyes open for that aswell. I hate little critters so much!!!! But they are dying so I should be happy for that right?


  1. these posts about your voles crack me up!! As a person who is not effected much by little critters, I actually think their cute (not in my house, but out side they're cute). I still wouldn't want an infestation of the buggers though. Good luck.. can you trap them and release in a field, that may be faster then the poison. ?

  2. The only traps that I have found are ones that kill them inside the trap and then can you imagine me getting them out!!!!! I like the inside of my house so that is a comfort to me......

  3. Ok, that is a nasty problem! I totally feel for you. It would drive me batty! What a pain for you, your kids and the garden (well your hubby too since he gets to do the "dirty work") I don't think Christie has ever had mice in her house or she might understand how un-cute little critters can be. Good luck!
