Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Farm Trip Anyone

On monday morning Spencer and I headed to the farm with his pre-school class for the last fun outing of the year. What a blast, however I am not a farm girl,I like the city!!! We got to hold baby chicks( well I did Spence would'nt ) and of course it took me quite a while to get up the nerve to hold the dare thing. Then we got to hold kittens, puppies pet sheep goats go for pony ride(but not Spence) do you see a trend here Spencer is not a little farm boy either!!!! However when it was time to milk the goat guess who couldn't wait to touch that? If you guessed me your WRONG!!! We went on the coldest day of the week but I kept saying to everyone it helps keep the smell down. We went for a wagon ride fed the cows ate out in the open air froze my hindy bindy off but had a great time. Now I have just one more farm trip with Janelle in a couple years... But really who doesn't like a trip to the farm?
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  1. Oh come now, we had some good times on the farm when we were little. Don't you remember the kittens with diarrhea? Bleck. We had some good times out there though. How can you say you're not a farm girl. :-) Maybe you were too little to remember.

  2. You know it's sad to say that I haven't been out my grandparents since 1995. I think I grew out of some of the farm girl that maybe I once was.....

  3. ah come on being a farm girl is so much fun!! I love that Spencer would only milk the goat so funny!

  4. Those pictures are so cute! Wow, does it feel strange knowing that your next pre-school farm trip is your last? (I haven't had my first so it's hard to imagine the day.)

  5. I wondered about your inner Moore as well. Playing in the barn at your grandparents with the chickens and chasing around the farm animals... were you never a part of cutting the heads off the chickens era? My kids love the farm visits! I'm glad it is just a visit though, I couldn't live on a farm either.

  6. hey! love your cakes!
    i didn't know you had a blog... i was blog hopping and found it!
    if you're ok i'm going to link to it from my blog ok? let me know.
