Friday, May 23, 2008





I also got to go be the helper for folk dancing in the park with Geg's school. It was so much fun and the kids looked so cute out there. They learn all the dances during music time in school and then over a three day period about 12 schools a day do and do the dances in the park. Our day was today, the boys didn't really like dancing with the girls but over all they had a blast. Yes they even got me out there to dance with them., Since I coach seven little boys from Greg's class at soccer they thought it would be fun to have Coach Gregory's mom out there dancing well they all sat laughing at me. It was super fun and I even knew a couple of dances so I was able to shock the boys. Greg's teacher loved that I was there for the boys so she could help the girls. The only bad part about the day was that the girls washroom ran out of toliet paper super gross I kept telling the girls I was so sorry but what do you do?
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  1. sounds like fun... well all except for the TP part. That's not fun, not fun at all. :-)

  2. Isn't is great to know who your children's friends are and that they know what your family expectations are: no swearing, stealing (this was a big one for my oldest son when he was Greg's age and trying to fit in). And that they like Greg's mom and think she is cool.
