Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Morning

Well here we are on easter morning, my kids came running upstairs to show us what the easter bunny brought them, Janelle loves her scooter, Spencer loves his walkie talkies, Alina loves her pet shop, and Greg loves his bakagens( I think I'm spelling it wrong) We do the big egg hunt with our friends the Courts and let me tell you it was a perfect day minus the snow that you see everywhere. how many people can tell you that they had the biggest and best snowball fight for easter!!! It truly was fun Angela and I tried to stay out of it but some how snow balls kept hitting us hmmm.. Husbands? Sons? don't they know they are suppose to be nice to us? I did have a blast trowing a couple although my aim is another story all together. Hope you all had a wonderful little holiday, now its back to the grid of life around here.
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  1. What a fun easter! I can't get over how much Greg looks like a Gatz!

  2. Wow, the easter bunny didn't bring us that nice of baskets! Hum, must have run out of stuff by the time he got here. :-)
