Saturday, May 19, 2007

Random thought.......

I have myself wondering as of late how far do we go with sport intrest and our kids. Or dance as my Alina is a wonderful dancer. Greg and alina both have a love of things that are very time comsuming and are affected on sundays. James and I are trying our best to be willing parents of our kids pursuing dreams they have right now, but as they are both getting older we need to decide what and how far we are willing to go with these dreams. The church needs to always be the priority and I feel that we are doing a good job but then I think what is a good job? What can I be doing better, where do we need to make changes in our lives to be better. Alina's dance cost a small fortune and is getting bigger and bigger every year. Next year she will be doing both tapp and ballet, Greg is our super star. There isn't really anything that he is not good at. He practices every sport every day after school and with older kids on our street they all show him different tricks to help him be better. He is really good at soccer with the head butts of the ball to fancy foot work in and out of the other players feet, I am a proud mom. Beside the fact that I don't know where he gets it from because James and I like to play but we're not good at it. I just don't want to look at our life in a couple of years and wonder how I let things get out of control. I know I don't make a whole of sense but I just to get this out of head so I can think. I want my kids to excel at what they want but at what cost?

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