Monday, September 14, 2009

Alina's Broken Arm

On the first day of school there is so much excitement in our house, I can honestly say that all my kids love school. Well Janelle was feeling sorry for herself being left behind as all the big kids went off so I took her out for a date.......When I got home James told that the school called and Alina fell off the play structure and hurt her arm.....not to worry she is fine taking the bus.....Red lights go off in my head if it's not a big deal why did the school call? So I pushed James for more info.....Well shes crying and has ice on it and the teacher said we might want to get it checked.....So I head over to the school and pick her up take her to the Dr. office they won't let me in and send me to another office I get there and they don't take x-rays and send me back to the first office.......and we came home with cast.
She broke the two bones just past the wrist. Now there is no need to fear because she loves that darn cast and loves having everyone sign it....She is sad that there is only a week left with it and then we get to have it re x-rayed and off. I on the other hand am excited that she will be able to tie up her shoes again, bath herself again and just be my Alina again. It has been an adventure and I love those too but I'm ready for normal....well as normal as it can be around here at least.
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  1. Poor girl.. Im glad she's had a good attitude tho. :-)

  2. what a brave little girl. I remember when i had the same type of cast on how bulky and big it was and that was only a couple years ago.
    All the best for a speedy recovery Alina!!
