Monday, December 1, 2008

St. Thomas U.S.V.I





I loved St. Thomas it was a tiny little island we went Parasailing here, what a high that was. Let just say I was a little worried about the fish in the ocean coming and getting me how embarassing to be scared of fish but that's what got me. I loved floating up 600 ft above everyone, Once we were up I wondered what I was nervous about. We then headed to a beach called Magen's Bay Beach. And yes to all who wonder just how close fish will swim Shona stepped on one!!! James had to piggy back me for a while so that incase any came close they would get him first!!! I did get to see one jump out a ways from us and a turtle came to check us out too. this is one of the top ten beaches in the world. I loved the sand it is all mixed in with broken shells so fine and white. Plus you have to love the color of the water, but don't inhale any of it the salt was out of this world. It even made me gag it was so strong. Even on the boat the spary off the water would leave salt all over, this is why you have wonderful skin well cruising.
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1 comment:

  1. I don't know if i would be brave enough to parasail. I too hate the fishes and unknown life of the ocean.
