Monday, April 26, 2010

OUr new Chapel

So this pass Thursday we got to attend the ground breaking ceremony for our new chapel right here in Copperwood. The building should be done in about a year. Greg was called and asked to represent the primary and be part of this very special day. He was thrilled to be there.

Here is the ground just before they came to do the first dig.

The line up Greg is beside the contractor, but also in line are the Stake president along with his counsellor's, Stake Relief society leader, Lethbridge counsellor, single adult rep, and young women rep.


I am grateful that Greg got to be part of this,I think that now hopefully this building will have special meaning to him and he was just so darn handsome up there, very proud mother moment.
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  1. Wow! What an awesome and memorable experience for him. very neat!

  2. What a wonderful opportunity! He does look mighty handsom
