Monday, April 26, 2010

A little catch up!!!


April 2nd we took the kids to Waterton for a day of remembrance. We celebrated our 11th anniversary, it was fun going to the temple and then going for a family hike together.

As with 11 years of marriage stuff just starts to wear out we bought a new couch for the living room and now I can start to decorate the room the way I like. I'm going for warm tones of reds browns and oranges. I also found this cool lamp made out of twigs and just had to add that to the room too. My girlfriend is going to take me out chair shopping so we can find a fun accent for the room aswell.

Here we are back at Easter, we spent the day with our friends the Caldwell, had a big hot dog roast and egg hunt for the kids. James had priesthood that night and the kids and I didn't get home until after 10pm It was a day filled with laughter and fun. This was our first Easter away from family, it was weird not to have my house full of the pitter patter of 12 little pairs of feet. But this summer everyone is coming to visit us and I am excited to share that time with my family.

Also over Easter my cousin came to visit and I got to spend the day with her and her sweet new baby. My kids love babies aswell so she got passed around alot. It was fun to remember little fingers and toes, sweet baby sounds and calmness that they seem to bring. This has been one of the highlights I must say about living in Alberta I have gotten to see my cousins more. Ryan came and lived with us for a week and I have gotten to see Kim twice in less then a year. We were the only girls on the Gatz side and it fun to reconnect with each other. Plus now I get to see that sweet little girl too.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, Tricia! I love the picture of your kids with the baby... Spencer's face made me laugh out loud!

