Monday, October 27, 2008


Well it has been awhile since I have posted and thought that you all might want to know what is going on in my life. So I got sick two weeks ago, bored out of my head nothing to do but sleep I decided to read a book, the next problem what book would tempt me enough to read and enjoy??? So I had heard alot about the twilight saga, a bunch of my girlfriends told me I should read them. So in a day and a half the first book done and I wanted more, I loved the story Yes I am an Edward fan. So yes I was still sick and ran out to go buy the other three books. In a space of five days I had the whole series read. I was back to feeling human again doing laundry and going to boot camp every morning having my trainer kick me in to harder and harder routines but all I had on the brain was my Vampire. So this past week I started all over again and by Sunday read all four books again. I still love the characters but do have to agree with Ang that she isn't the best writer out there. Now no one get mad at me I LOVE THE BOOKS there are many things that I am glad that she did. I love the morals of Edward and that she kept them up through the whole story. I love that Bella has a strong character but still gentle and famine I think that too often we are pushed to be more then just a women the world asks so much of us and we strive to achieve and equal ourselves with all the men in the world. I love that we can be strong and still be famine. I think that Bella is a great role model for the teenage girls out there. Yes she was always getting hurt but she had faith in herself and others that she could everything that she wanted. Edward was a little over protective but in a gentlemen way. I do have to say that I did not like the love triangle with Jacob and found myself on the second time over skimming through those parts of the story. I think that if she knew that Edward was her sole mate that love triangle could have been a little bit less in tense and then she just throws in the imprinting in just to make her story a happy fuzzy book all the way through I would have liked to see that been a little less warm fuzzy and more realistic of love gone bad.
Lastly football has sadly come to an end Greg love it and had his final game at the Blue Bomber stadium. What a great way to end the season, hopefully Lethbridge will have a good program out there next year for him to join. It's starting to get cold outside and i'm not sure how much longer we have before there is snow all over the ground, hopefully it will hold out till after Halloween.


  1. Trisha I noticed that you mentioned hopefully Lethbridge has a football program for Greg. Are you making a move, out west? Don't do it!!!! Sorry Ang, not a big fan of Lethbridge, bad experinces....

  2. see now I totally loved the Jacob triangle...but probably because he's big and warm and it reminds me of my hot husband! Hee hee! So you need to email me and tell me all about going to Lethbridge. I say totally go because that's where I want to go and I think you'll totally love it. I was looking at houses last night there and I'm a little nervous that they'll all be out of my price range but I'm counting on your sound advice about the housing going down. Sad as it is I hope it helps us. So do you guys know when you'll get to go??

  3. Lethbridge???
    what's up with you Northcotts?

  4. I love that you finally caved and read them. Kristi is the one who made me cave and I really enjoyed them as well. Good luck in the football search I doubt it will be a problem as southern Alberta has a lot of football.

  5. I am so glad that you liked the Vampy books. I actually liked them a lot BUT I love her other book THE HOST even better!! It is so awesome that I walked around the house with it under my arm and read when ever I could get a minute. Jeff said I should just go hold up in my room for a while instead of carrying it around like a maniac. Anyways it is a realy great read- some people say you have to realy think or re-read the first part of the book to get it, but It had me at the get go!! Can't wait to see you in, Hmmmm....19 days!!!! Then yo can fill me in on all the details about moving to the land of milk and honey!!lol
    See you in Florida!
