Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jelly's first day of pre-school




I am a little late in posting but on Sept.23 Janelle started pre-school, she wakes up every day at around 6:30 am to see if today is the day that she goes to school. I love that the back pack is too big for her but anyone who loves school this much need to go!!Heres to hoping that this undying love doesn't leave in a couple of years when she has to go and it's not a option.
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  1. So cute. I love when they love going to school

  2. Hey Janelle, congrads on going to preschool. You'll have lots of fun, make new friends and have plenty of play dates and birthday parties to go to. In a couple months you'll be an even bigger girl when you get to go to Sunbeams for the first time.

  3. She is such a cutey. I love all that blonde hair :D
