Tuesday, August 19, 2008

18 years

On saturday we made our way to my grandma's and yes it has been 18 years since I have been there. I was flooded with fond memories of my childhood days out on the farm. I loved being there. I didn't remeber just beautiful it is out there. The kids had a great time with family. They helped with the carrots as my uncle is a carrot farmer, grandma bought a ice cream cake yummy! and My aunt taught the kids plays and camp fire songs we even watched old videos of the cousins. Really a person shouldn't wait so long to do a fun fa,ily holiday like this. My kids really needed to see where I spent my summers.
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  1. Is that Randy? Is he still out there? And your grandma is still around?? Amazing! Glad you had fun. Cut off a head of a chicken for old times sake?
