Monday, September 17, 2007

30th birthday for two





Well here we are at the beginning of week two for school, so I thought I would show you my crew all dressed and ready for school. Also it was James and mine 30th birthday thanks to the courts who watched our kids for James so we could have a relaxing evening. Ang was on her death bed. Thankyou so much. We love you guys
And a big thanks to Heather who made me feel loved on sunday. Take a good look at James face in his hat I had to laugh....The bottom picture is of my diamond hoop earings the love of my life gave me. Bigg brownie points for James!!!To top off our birthday week Janelle had to go into emergancy, she got tubes put in her ears and one got infected so bad that blod was coming oout her ear hmmmm might explain the grumpy pants that has been living with us the past week.She is on medication and we are hoping that the tubes don't come out or back to the operation room again..
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  1. YEAHHH!!!! Happy Birthday! I bet Montana's Loves you guys! Lets see those earings on!!

  2. Aww, I can't see the hat picture. Poor poor girl, I hope she gets feeling better, ear infections really hurt!

  3. LOL< now I see the hats....TOO funny.

  4. Nice earrings! and great hats, at least it looks like one of you is having fun! :)
