Well yes I'm still here and were doing great. We just celebrated Spencer's 3rd birthday and it sure is a shocker to see them all growen up. We had a cars theme for his party and he carries all his toys with him still. He was such a happy boy to have a party and have friends over. Alina wanted all the parents to go so she could run the party and be my big helper.
Just Funny..........
At our last testiomony meeting I got up and bore my testimony and cried a little while doing it. The monday after Im talking to my mom on the phone when Alina starts talking taking little breaks and faake crying. I love my family ahh aahh ahh a !!! I love to read books ahh aaah aaah !!!
So i stop her and ask what she is doing? She looks at me and say Im being you a church mommy!!
I busted up laughing, really how funny and scary that they are WATCHING us that closely!!!!
Wow, that is a little scary. It looks like Alina has already chosen a profession, actress extraordinaire! Good to see your blog back!