Friday, May 22, 2009

A little catch up!!!!

I know that it has been a little while and well I claim to be busy the reality is that I am not. What have I been doing??? A whole lot of nothing. Greg is busy playing soccer and though to people in Winnipeg this might be weird but if the weather bad and soccer is canceled the games are rescheduled. Which means that some weeks like this week we have soccer three time. Greg is loving it and it is fun to see him get better and have more talent. He also has cubs which is slowing down for the summer three more meeting well they get to go zip lining, canoing playing for one day, nature center this Saturday, and badge night ummm do you think he has a hard life?? I don't. Plus the swimming center is across the street from his school so three Tuesday afternoons he gets to walk over and go swimming. Alina is a runner and loves it she thinks it helps her to stay healthy. She is in a kids marathon on the 30th of this month. Super excited and pumped. Spencer and Janelle have every morning to practice all the things that each other hate. Sometimes they decide that life is better if they get along I love those mornings. Every Friday is half day at school so I get them all Friday afternoons. Come on people should children not go to school??? Every Friday as a half day was fun at the beginning but now I just want them to go to school. James is a work workaholic he is always working right now. Me Like I said before somehow I fell that there are not enough time in the day but here I sit and can't tell you what it is that keeps me so busy. We are getting along great the ward has been super nice, the house beside me is almost finished and it is sold I can't wait for construction mess to leave my yard and go somewhere else. Then maybe I can get sod and my dog can be outside where she longs to be.


  1. How is the puppy training going? Any better? I hope so. Sounds like you guys didn't take even a second to get into everything there. Good for you.. hit the ground running. :P

  2. Yeah I am glad that you guys are doing well and having fun. Nice to hear that the kids are loving it. Hope you guys are enjoying it as well.
