Tuesday, May 26, 2009

DIRT DIRT did I mention we have DIRT





I know everyone has hear me complain about the dirt, well here is is the dirt hill out the back and the house being built beside us. I hate having the windows opened beacuse the dirt takes that as an invitation to come in to my house cleaning up after my kids have played in the dirt. Dirt Dirt go away don't bother coming back any day!!!! But if you look at the one picture you can see the dirt hill that Nolan and Greg made a ramp to ride on. Yes our house has grown by two, thank goodness they are not babies Nolan and Jarm provide fun and fill my home with laughter Greg and Spencer are thrilled to have them all the time. Everyday should be a Court day in their opinion and with no school on friday afternoons they always have a thousand things that need to be done together. I love boys. My girls do try to get in the action and love having the extra brothers around.
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  1. I can't even imagine the dust in your house, with all the wind in Southern AB... crazy! But how sad for those kids when the houses start to get filled!! Hopefully the houses will fill up with little boys.. how Fun!!!

  2. Yuck that dirt would drive me nuts too. Esp In my NEW house. I shall be right with you here in about a month. Lots of dirt where I am going too

  3. It looks like the kids are loving the dirt. I am sure they will miss it when the houses go up.
