Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Birthday

So yesterday marks the day that I turned 31 Now I understand that this is a small stepping stone but it had to be done, there was nothing I could do to turn back the clocks. It was a great day, first I was overloaded with cute little kids begging for my attention all day, I'm hungry, when is it time to eat, did we have lunch yet today? and so it went, but everyone one gave me hugs and kisses. James got me my Pandora bracelet that I have been hounding him for. It is a charm bracelet for those who don't know. I tried to find a good picture of one, you can get all sorts of beads for them. right now I have one but this now gives James endless presents to buy me since clearly I need lots and lots of cute expensive charms. I have two friends that bought me flowers and really is there nothing better then having people remember you and send wishes even if I am finally over that 30 mark!!!!!


  1. Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Wow, little tricia is 31. I still see you as that little girl with blond curls. :-) Sounds like a cool gift from the hubby.

  2. My girlfriend has one of those bracelets. Very cool!! Happy B-day!

  3. ok so I tried to post this the other day and it kicked me out!! Don't they know I only have time to type this once...anyways I am glad you had a great birthday and I can hardly wait to see the Bling when we go on THE CRUISE!!! Can't wait!!!

  4. Hey Tricia!!! How goes it?! Happy Birthday!! Come and read my blog:

    Tell James I said HI!!!
