Wednesday, November 21, 2007






Here we are at the end of Novemeber all ready can you believe it?
well on the 16th my Spencer turned four, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep and then we had to wait for daddy to come home from seminary before we could open his presents. He is by far my most excited child I've had all the rest sleep until I wake them up, so Spencer was even more excited then me and for all of you know me I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!
We took him to Montana's family traditon, then my family came over for cake and presents on friday night. On saturday we had ten screaming four year olds all running around for a birthday party. They love to play games and more games what a great age and really it was a great group of kids I can't complain. Then on saturday night we headed for our Santa parade down town. It was only -2 and the kids had a blast watching all the floats. Then at the forks they had fireworks @8pm. Janelle loved the balloon popping(fire works) the best and has asked everyday to go see them again. It's so much fun to watch the excitement of everything through their eyes. I LOVE IT, I LOVE CHRISTMAS. now I am all done my shopping so that does help I know but I love the hussale and bussale of the hoildays. TTFN
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  1. Your kids are growing by leaps and bounds, it's crazy! What a cutie, his enthusiasm is quite endearing.

    Glad that you are done your Christmas shopping, wow, you ARE THE WOMAN!

  2. Carter has been counting down to turning 5 for about 6 months. Everyday he asks "when is it my birthday?" Lucky for us we only have a few more weeks to go. The horns looked awesome on Spencer!! I will have to show Carter. As for shopping I am almost done too. I want to have fun with the kids this year and enjoy the season. If I can get away from going in any stores in December that would be great!!

  3. oooh, you are going to have such a fun Christmas!!! I love it when they get so excited.. it brings the kid in me back. :-)
