Friday, November 2, 2007

Another one bites the dust.......

Well here we are with halloween behind us, and I am so glad..... If there was one holiday I could do with out this would be it although I do love all the kids dressing up and having a great time. This year I did up 60 bags of candy ran out and had to give out some of kids candy we had about 85 this year wchich is more then normal. The weather was actually nice enough that the kids didn't need their snow suits on under their costumes yeah for nice weather. Greg was ghost easy enough, he went out with his friends from school so one of the dads came and got him at 5:45 and didn't bring him home until close to 9:00 I was starting to get a little bit uneasy about him being out there without James or I. Alina was a fairy witch, Spencer a green skelaton and Janelle a princess cat. very cute I'll post pictures later. They went out with James and their friends from across the street. fun was had by all I handed out candy and kids brought home a haul. Since I can`t eat it this year I feel like all I see is candy everywhere. Let just say when your losing weight candy not helping!!!! My children are home today due to no school, and I would like to know when do they have school in the month of october to november they have had four days off and two half days come on go to school all ready and before I know it they will be home for two weeks at christmas. Everything happens to fast for me, I need some down time to catch up to life. James is my rock through it all when ever something comes up he is calm and collected. He holds it together and I come apart, this is why there is marriage so one can hold the other up when they are down problem in our house is it is always me who is down and needing the help up. Thanks to him i seem much better on the outside then meets the eye. Well now in two weeks we have our Spencer turning four I can`t believe that he is four but he sure is excited about it so I shall be aswell.
Anyway it is cool but very sunny out so I am off to send my daycare out side to enjoy the fresh air, we are on count down of 2.5 hours left in my day hurray.


  1. I hear ya, so hard to avoid stealing a little from the kids' bowls! Good for you though on your weight loss, you must be feeling great!

  2. I feel about the same way about halloween, not my favorite holiday, that is for sure. Hey... you don't sound like you're doing too well. :-( Chin up, I am sure glad you have a good man to stand behind you and pick you up when you slip. Thank heavens for them. Take care, know that I am thinking of you.
