Monday, April 12, 2010

Two weeks Left

Here I am sitting at school counting down the hours for this to end. I can not tell how happy I will be to finished all this craziness, James will only have to work until 3:30pm everyday and MAYBE only maybe I will once again have a clean house with bread baking in the oven, fresh cookies for my kids to come home to and time to think about something other "did I do all I could do to get the the best grade possible." Everyone in my class finished on Friday but I started two weeks late so here I am. This afternoon Janelle is at school and I have the first afternoon off since my kids Easter break....can you say HAPPY that is all I feel.
I will do a post of my hair bling I just ordered it and I am so excited for it to get here sometime later this week or early next. You put different colored tinsel like stuff in hair, you can curl it straighten it it is super fun.....more to come. Class is out so am I


  1. The best Hair Bling how-to directions can be found on check it out.
