Saturday, May 30, 2009

The kids marathon





Here we are for Alina's Marathon. She sign up for running club at school, and loved it and wanted to run the kids marathon. Now yes they do run the whole marathon but not all at once. They run every day at school to train for the race and get to count all their milage towards the big day. so today she only ran 2.4km but she did do in in just under 10 min. They didn't time them but James and I did. It was a proud parent moment for both of us. I was surprise at how well they all did. There was about three hundred kids out there, they staggered the runners and Alina's age group was the last to go 7 and under. But she did manage to come in before even some of the 11-12 year olds. Like I said a proud mommmy moment. Next year Greg wants to run he didn't like the glory all going to Alina. To bad!!!!!
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  1. wow, good for her. I remember running with Mr Peto in Ogden. Good times

  2. wow go Alina. She looks so grown up running her first marathon. That is such a neat idea for her school to do.
