Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wishes of hotter days


How I wish I was some place warm, hot.....in a swim suit on a beach, sweating because it is just to hot....... this is my happy place that I go to and when ever I look at this picture it brings back one of my happiest memories.....I really can't believe that it ever happened and when ice crystals form on your nose hairs with just a breath of the winter air it's hard to believe a place where it is hot even exists.
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  1. no kidding! love the pic. Striking resemblance, esp in the physique! :-)

  2. That picture is awesome. I would frame it and put it where I could enjoy it always.

  3. I love the caricature! So cute and so fun. What a fun memory! Think warm and happy thoughts.:D

  4. Woo-woo!! You are smokin' hott in that bikini!

  5. You never showed us the final picture!! It is fabulous and I especially like what tenasity it took to get the picture done- let alone that you had to be the "Sorry, no more people allowed in this line" police! I too wish I was sitting right along side you soaking up the sun. Did it really happen? My tan is fading:(

  6. It's starting to warm a little here in Iowa. I hope your are feeling a little warmer too. ps. I tagged you on my blog, check it out.
