Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Course Two



This is my final cake in course two, I am not a flower person but really like the primroses and roses. It was a fun class this time around there was only five of us so we got alot of teacher one on one. It's nice to have some one there correcting any bad habits from forming. I am sad to say that for the summer I will be taking time off so no more cakes or icing in my house for a bit. As a side note in this class we had to make different flowers each week and then put them on our cake in the last class along with learning the basket weave.
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  1. Wow, look at all those different styles of flowers. I love the little daisies I don't think i've seen those before. You're so talented! I can't wait to see what you put out in the fall.

  2. Can I just say"Basket weave!!!"- MY HERO!! It looks awesome and of course the flowers too. Way to go! I love it too when I have time, but who has that these days!

  3. That basket weave is very cool looking! Did you use fondant?

  4. That basket weave is very cool looking! Did you use fondant?

  5. No it is juyst a butter cream icing. really it was super easy i was a little disappointed when i saw it being done. Some how in my head I thought that it should be some hard work of love. What people don't know won't hurt them though right?
